范瑋琪 - 在幸福的路上 - FanFan范瑋琪<在幸福的路上>世界巡迴演唱會主題曲 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 范瑋琪 - 在幸福的路上 - FanFan范瑋琪<在幸福的路上>世界巡迴演唱會主題曲

在幸福的路上 - FanFan范瑋琪<在幸福的路上>世界巡迴演唱會主題曲
On the Road to Happiness - FanFan Fan Weiqi's &lt;On the Road to Happiness&gt; World Tour Theme Song
Oh 當春夏秋冬都 錯亂了模樣
Oh When Spring, summer, autumn, and winter are all messed up
Oh 心保持晴朗
Oh Keep your heart sunny
Oh 當孩子尋找不到 遊樂場
Oh When a child can't find a playground
Oh 陪他們追風浪
Oh Accompany them in chasing the wind and waves
誰都會有 對這世界的迷惘
Everyone will have their confusions about the world
拿著玩具槍 把逞強當堅強
Holding a toy gun and using bravado as strength
誰都沒把握 怎麼走才能 看見曙光
No one is sure how to walk before they see the dawn
帶我們 一起在幸福的路上
Hope leads us on the road to happiness together
Heaven is where people bravely sing
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
Oh 當大人對明天 失去了想像
Oh When adults lose their imagination for tomorrow
Oh 花為什麼綻放
Oh Why do flowers bloom
誰都會有 對這世界的迷惘
Everyone will have their confusions about the world
關上隔音窗 把愛往心裡藏
Close the soundproof windows and hide love in your heart
張開手擁抱 就不會遺忘 誰在身旁
Open your arms and embrace, you won't forget who is by your side
帶我們 一起在幸福的路上
Hope leads us on the road to happiness together
Heaven is where people bravely sing
理直氣壯 是彼此支撐讓生命茁壯
Moral courage is what supports each other and makes life thrive
Dreams always give strength to those who persevere
大步的走 再顛簸也 不~回頭
Take big steps, no matter how bumpy it is, don't turn back
快樂的走 有你路就沒盡頭
Walk happily, with you, the road is endless
Oh~ Oh~
Oh~ Oh~

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